About VAM
Venice Asset Management (VAM) is a participant in the carbon credits trading markets; and develops and arranges funding for innovative environmentally sustainable projects. Its people and relationships participate in the development and management of these projects.
VAM is an investor in www.xpansiv.com and a market maker on its global carbon credits and water trading exchanges. VAM is also an investor and participant in large scale recycled waste water projects in Victoria and South Australia.
Green Hydrogen (H2) has the potential to become the clean fuel for the global energy transition, with Australia being uniquely placed to pioneer its commercialisation. We are focussed on being part of this important evolution.
VAM has highly experienced executives and relationships that source, develop, fund, and manage projects.
VAM is a participant in www.flinderspeak.com.au recycled waste water projects in Victoria and South Australia
FoodSecure Melbourne, a food bowl precinct west of Melbourne – a world-leading project creating a 20,000 hectare newly-irrigated recycled water food bowl using waste water that is currently being discharged into Port Phillip Bay.
VineSecure South Australia, a climate resilience project that uses recycled waste water to provide secure and affordable water to the viticultural industry in the Barossa, Eden and Clare Valleys, and the Adelaide Hills.
OmeEco Philippines www.ome.eco a scalable carbon credits project to replace open fire household cooking with energy efficient cookstoves to 15M “dirty kitchen” households. The stoves are provided at no cost to households in lieu of OmeEco receiving carbon credits generated by the measurable reduction in carbon emissions.
Green Island Power, which is commercialising initial green H2 projects in Australia, the Philippines, and Scotland. The breakthrough systems design converts renewable power into base load power by eliminating generators “curtailment” (lost generation capacity of ~25%); storing it as H2; and supplying it profitably to the grid at peak times.